Attempting to Merge Fun, Creativity and Affordability together....

Attempting to Merge Fun, Creativity and Affordability together....


It all started in 2008...

When I quit my Full Time Job as an Attorney so that I could spend more time with my Daughter.  Initially I started looking for things to do with her that were not super costly (as I now worked for myself without a steady 2nd income for our household). I started by "playing projects" with her and blogging about it (The Ramblings and Adventures of a SAHM)... from there others came over to join us and play projects too.... (This is what Tot School has become today). After my two other children were born, the programs grew to initially fit the need and ages of my kids.  In the first few years Messy Summer Fun was held in my back yard with water balloons, shaving cream and tie dye... it has since morphed into a whole summer camp of fun.